Mossberg M 500 Tactical Persuader

We strongly recommend you research both your own circumstances and realistic tactical needs prior to making any modifications or adding accessories. You will invariably find that solid training such as that provided by RaidonTactics will provide you with the knowledge as well as understanding and ability to deal with any tactical situation. In many cases, 'over-accessorizing' has led to confusion in a high stress situation. The Shoten Armory Extended Slide Release Lever is the one modification which dramatically reduces unnecessary movement and grip modifications which come into play when engaged in ammo switchovers and any time you have found the OEM Action Control Release to be the source of lost time, fumbling cartridges and being forced to take your firearm below and out of line of sight in order to access the Release.

We look forward to your upcoming involvement with Shoten Armory as we will be consistently providing you with new opportunities and training as well as the one tool which has brought injured shooters back into the game and shall provide you that tactical edge to come out a winner in any senario or situation; The Shoten Armory Extended Slide Release Lever.

We invite anyone with a question or comment to get in touch with us. Please feel free to call us or fill out our form below for an email response,  which is actually written by a human being.

Mike Levy - Owner
Phone - 1(845) 568-7131

Clarence Rarick - Chief Advisor/Analyst
1 (860) 436-8564

Contact Us